Directions: Watch the prezi, take notes, and leave a comment on this post in which you:
1. Identify an example of VERBAL IRONY from your lit circle book and explain why it is ironic (include page # citation).
2. Identify an example of SITUATIONAL IRONY from your lit circle book and explain why it is ironic (include page # citation).
3. Identify an example of DRAMATIC IRONY from your lit circle book and explain why it is ironic (include page # citation).
Sophia C
12/2/2013 06:29:39 am

An example of dramatic irony is that Rudy is going to die. Nobody at this point of the story knows that but the reader is aware(242).This is dramatic irony because we know Rudy is going to die but Rudy has no clue.
An example of situation irony is when Ilsa Hermann didn't go nuts when she found out that Liesel was stealing books (369). I think this is situation irony because I imediently thought that she was going to get into big troubly, but she didn't.
An example of verbal irony is the fact that Himmel street means Heaven.Although Himmel street was no Heaven at all( 26).

Sophia C
12/2/2013 06:31:20 am

I know that it is verbal irony because Himmel means Heaven but it isnt Heaven at all. It is funny because it was named what the street is't

Cam Filipe
12/3/2013 11:38:03 am

1. An example of verbal irony in The Kite Runner is when Assef gives Amir a biography of Hitler to him for his birthday and says "I heard you like to read so I brought you a book." (96). Assef is not meaning what he says, there is no sincerity in the line, due to the actual book itself. Amir ends up throwing the book in a bundle of weeds.

2.An example of situational irony in The Kite Runner is when it is revealed by Rahim Khan that Hassan is Amir's half-brother. This is ironic because it was, first of all, never expected, and secondly, he finds this out after Baba, Ali, and Hassan are all dead. It is ironic that he found this out from someone who didn't have much to do with the matter.

3. An example of dramatic irony in The Kite Runner is when Baba treated Assef well, although to us, the audience, he was a main antagonist and a "bad guy", if you will. He acts cruel to Hassan and Amir (the rape, etc.) and Baba is hidden from these details, so he treats him normally.

Cam Filipe
12/3/2013 11:44:43 am

I apologize. I did not cite text for numbers 2 and 3.

2. Amir was angry this was hidden from him, and says "I'm thirty-eight years old and I've just found out my whole life is one big (expletive) lie! What can you possibly say to make things better? Nothing." (223).

3. At the birthday party, Baba says to Assef, "I see your father has taught you his world-famous flattering ways" (96) and then later says to Amir after he received his gift, "Aren't you going to thank Assef jan? That was very considerate of him." (97).

Riley Lima
12/4/2013 07:28:24 am

1. An example of verbal irony in "The Book Thief" is when the narrator Death says, "Even death has a heart(242)." This is an example of verbal irony because death isn't a real person, so it can't have a heart.(242)
2. An example of situational irony is when Rosa Huberman finds out the mayor's wife canceled their laundry services because of Liesel, and she doesn't beat Liesel. This is situational irony because Liesel and I expected her to beat Liesel like she usually does as a punishment.(265)
3. An example of dramatic irony, is the fact that the narrator tells us that Rudy is going to die and how he dies while neither Rudy or anyone else I the story know about this. (242)

Olivia Rapoza
12/4/2013 08:34:28 am

1. An example of situational irony in "Jacob Have I Loved" is when the grandma says, "By the time I was thirteen I was the purtiest little thing on the island, but he was already gone. I waited for two more years before I married William,(213)." This is situational irony because during the whole book the grandma talks about how much she hates him but then all of a sudden she admits that she liked him when she was younger.

2. An example of verbal irony was when Wheeze said, "Great advertisement for early marriage, wouldn't you say? (207)." She means the complete opposite but she was just being sarcastic showing Call that she did not approve of them getting married.

3. An example of dramatic irony is when Wheeze says, "The storm of '42 is the one I will never forget, (115)." Wheeze tells you about the storm before you actually read what happens to the characters so you know there will be a very bad storm but you had to wait and see what would happen to the characters.

Allyson Cardinal
12/4/2013 10:29:33 am

1. An example of verbal irony in "The Kite Runner" By: Khaled Hosseini is when Hassan is cornered by Assef and two other boys and Assef talks about how Hassan had threatened him with his slingshot, and Assef says, '"What was it you said? 'They'll have to call me One-Eyed Assef.' That's right. One Eyed Assef. That was clever. Really clever. Then again it's easy to be clever when you're holding a loaded weapon." This is verbally ironic because Assef doesn't literally mean his threat about him is clever. He is using the threat to scare Hassan, making him see the irony in his words as he is outnumbered and unarmed.

2. An example of situational irony is when Baba is scolding Amir and he says, '"There is no act more wretched than stealing, Amir (34)."' This is ironic because later in the story Amir finds out that Baba himself had stolen something from him, the fact Hassan was his half-brother, all his life. This is situational irony because the opposite of what I believed to happen, happened, because I believed Baba to be such a great man to his word, but in the end he's a liar.

3. An example of dramatic irony can be found when Baba is speaking to Amir about his lung cancer ,'"And one more thing, no one finds out about this, you hear me (157)?"' This is dramatic irony because the reader knows Baba has cancer and has a high chance of dying soon, but the other characters other than Amir have no clue. This causes suspense to build in the reader, wondering if others will find out before its too late.

Joseph Monteiro
12/5/2013 04:04:12 am

1. An example of verbal irony in my literature circle book, (The Book Thief) is when Liesel is standing next to the Max who is very ill and is on the verge of dying. The narrator writes "He was the second snowman to be melting away before her eyes only this one was different. It was a paradox. The colder he became, the more he melted"(316). This is an example of verbal irony because Max is not really a snowman and is not actually melting. The narrator is actually saying that Max was dying and the colder he became the worse his condition got.

2. An example of situational irony is when the Hubermann family decides to hide a Jewish person in their house (185). This is an example of situational irony because the Hubermann family lives in Nazi, Germany so you would expect them to be against Jewish people, but instead they decide to hide and care for a Jewish person.
3. An example of dramatic irony is when the narrator tells us that later on in the story Arthur Berg's sister will die in his arms (166+167). This is an example of dramatic irony because we know that Arthur's sister will die, but the characters in the story do not know ( not including the narrator).

Katy Bazarsky
12/5/2013 04:57:54 am

1. An example of situational irony in " The Book Thief " is how the mayors wife, Ilsa knows that Leisel is stealing her books, yet she leaves the window open (328). Also, how she writes a letter and says "You ever only take one book and it will take a thousand visits till all of them are gone." (369). You would expect her to be angry that Leisel is stealing from her, but she is not.
2. An example of dramatic irony in " The Book Thief " was when Leisel's brother died on the train because only the people on the train and us knew, Mr. and Mrs. Hubberman did not know.
3. An example of verbal irony in "The Book thief" is when Max drew in his sketchbook a picture of Hitler holding hands with a girl and the girl says "Isn't it a lovely day" when they are standing on top of a mound of dead bodies (280).

Ryan Vieira
12/5/2013 06:32:20 am

An example of dramatic irony would be during the trial of Mayella Violet Ewell and we pretty much know that it was her father that has been abusing her, not Tom Robinson. On page 248 it shows that Tom Robinson only has 1 arm. How could he beat up Mayella as bad as she described if he only had one arm. It doesn't make any sense. So by this part of the trial, we pretty much know it had to of been her father.

An example of situational irony would be when Miss Maudie's house burns down (98). This is an example of Situational Irony because you would think that Maudie would be very upset that her house burned down. Instead, she sort of brushes it off and moves on. All I know is that if my house burned down, I would be very sad and upset.

An example of Verbal Irony would be when Mr. Gilmer says to Tom Robinson, "You're very candid about this…" (264). The quote continues to go on but this is Verbal Irony because Mr. Gilmer is saying that he's candid, when it seems that he shouldn't be candid.

Bridget Seely
12/5/2013 06:41:07 am

An example of situational irony in "The Book Thief" is how Max's friend Walter gives Max a copy of Hitler's book, Mein Kampf. This is ironic because a jewish person would most likely not want to own a copy of a book written by a man who is trying to exterminate his entire population(160).
An example of dramatic irony in "The Book Thief" is how the narrator states that Reinhold Zucker would die with his mouth open. This is dramatic irony because the reader now knows that Reinhold Zucker will die but he or any of the other characters do not(463).
An example of verbal irony in"The Book Thief"is when Thomas Mamer says to his next customer "I wonder which one you're going to ask for," after Rudy had just tried to steal the biggest potato from the grocer, and failed(295).

Caroline Foley
12/5/2013 07:12:21 am

1. An example of situational irony in To Kill a Mockingbird is on page 147 when Jem, Scout, and Dill learn from Atticus that Mrs. Dubose is a morphine/drug addict. I didn't really expect that from her even though she is really sick.

2. An example of dramatic irony in To Kill a Mockingbird is on pages 267 and 268 when Scout and Dill are talking to Dolphus Raymond. They find out that he's not actually an alcoholic, but he's actually just been drinking Coca-Cola in the bag. He would rather have people think that he's a drunk than have them judge him for his life choices of marrying a black woman/having black friends. Now the readers and Dill and Scout know that he isn't a drunk, but everyone else in the book thinks he is.

3. An example of verbal irony in To Kill a Mockingbird is on page 263 during the part of the trial where Mr. Gilmer is questioning Tom Robinson. It says, "You're a mighty good fellow, it seems- did all this for not one penny?" This is verbal irony because Mr. Gilmer is being sarcastic about Tom's good deeds with helping out Mayella with her chores.

Alyssa Webb
12/5/2013 07:50:16 am

1)An example of verbal irony is when Louise "welcomed' Mrs. Wallace. "Welcome home Miss Trudy" I know this is verbal irony because she doesn't really want to welcome home the wife of her "secret love" and she didn't even call her by her new last name.

2) An example of situational irony is when Louise admits to liking her grandmother although she hated her throughout the book. "All my dreams of leaving but I was afraid to go. I had clung to them even my grandmother, afraid that if I loosened my fingers an iota, I would find myself once more cold and clean in a forgotten basket." (227) This is situational irony because you think that she wouldn't cling to her grandmother because throughout the book she explains why she hates her.

3) An example of dramatic irony would be when Louise announced the storm of '42. "The storm of '42 is the one I will never forget." So the reader knew about the storm but the characters did not.

Corinne Morhy
12/5/2013 08:35:03 am

1. An example of situational irony in "Jacob Have I Loved" is when Louise says "I tried not to believe him. How could anything that called itself the 'Society for the Prevention of cruelty to Animals' engage in wholesale murder?, (106)" This is situational irony because you expect the animal shelter wouldn't kill the animals because it's against animal cruelty.

2. An example of dramatic irony in "Jacob have I Loved" is when Louise says "When my mother and grandmother told the story of our births, it was mostly how Caroline had refused to breathe. How the midwife smacked and prayed and cajoled the tiny chest to move. How the cry of joy went up at the first weak wail-"no louder than a kitten's mew, (18)." This is dramatic irony because by her saying this we already know that Caroline is going to be the favored one and Loise doesn't know it yet.

3. An example of verbal irony in "Jacob Have I Loved" is when Caroline says "Wheeze, you better watch out walking that way. you're likely to break your neck, (360)." This is an example of verbal irony because Louise obviously isn't going to break her neck from walking a certain way.

William Medeiros
12/5/2013 09:39:08 am

1. An example of verbal irony is after Jem saying how he wouldn't care if Atticus couldn't do anything and throwing a rock at their carhouse. He states, "Atticus is a gentleman, just like me" (131). Though it isn't necessarily intended by Jem, it is verbal irony because Jem is most certainly not a gentleman at his young age but compares Atticus gentlemanlyness to himself.

2. An example of situational irony is when Mr. Raymond states how he only drinks Coca-cola in his sack when most think he drinks liquor. He says referring to it, "Yes ma'am... That's [Coca-Cola] all I drink, most of the time" (267-268). This is situational irony because most people (along with the reader) are lead to believe that the reason he drinks out of the sack is hide the fact that he is drinking alcohol during the day, which ends up not being the case.

3. An example of dramatic irony is when the audience can clearly see that Tom is not guilty while Atticus cross-examines the other witnesses, however Scout does not see why. Jem says, "We've got him," however Scout narrates, "I didn't think so..." (238). It is clear that with the current evidence that it is more likely Mr. Ewell beat up his daughter and this is further supported when Scout learns of Tom's arm.

Meg Forkey
12/5/2013 09:41:57 am

My book is "Jacob I Have Loved"
An example of situational irony is, when Call announces he is marrying Caroline. I think this because throughout the book he seems like a loyal friend to Wheeze, but it turns out he almost betrays her.(206-207)

An example of verbal irony is when the captain came to the girls house and said he had news and that he could thank Louise for the idea. Hearing this you would think this "good news" will be in her favor, but the news is for Caroline and she is getting her school payed for.(176)

An example of Dramatic irony is the storm of 1942. Wheeze tells us about the storm and later in the book we hear the outcome of this storm. As a reader, you have the common sense that a storm can damage land,more so because they are on an island. (115)

Haley Langton
12/5/2013 09:57:35 am

To Kill a Mockingbird
1.) An example of verbal irony is on page 131 where Jem compares Atticus to himself saying how Atticus is a gentleman like himself. This is verbal irony because Jem is still a young boy and still has a way to go until he becomes a gentleman like his father.

2.) An example of situational irony would be on page 214 when the reader and the characters are convinced that in Mr. Dolphus Raymond's Coca Cola bottle, inside of the paper bag, is liquor when in fact, it is actually Coke.

3.) An example of dramatic irony is that Mayella's dad abused her, not Tom. Though it has not said that straight out in the story, many clues have helped me infer that it is Mayella's dad.

Alyssa Soares
12/5/2013 09:58:13 am

1. An example of verbal irony in The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini is when Amir and Baba are on a bus to Kabul and Amir gets sick. He feels like he’s going to vomit if they don’t pull over soon yet he says,” I wanted to tell him I was sorry…” (111).This is irony because you wouldn’t really expect a sick person to apologize for something they can’t control. It’s not Amir’s fault he gets car sick easily.

2. An example of situational irony in The Kite Runner is when Amir finds out that he and Hassan were half brothers. This is ironic because the reader wasn’t expecting something like this to happen at all, well they shouldn’t have anyway. It’s also ironic because Amir is told by Rahim Khan that he and Hassan were family years after the death of his father, who you’d think should’ve mentioned something this important sometime in Amir’s life. You wouldn’t expect someone like Rahim Kahn to be the one to tell Amir. You’d think that the father would do it or the cover up father not your dead father’s old best friend. When the realization of everything hit Amir he said,” I’m thirty eight years old and I’ve just found out my whole life is one big … lie!”(223).

3. An example of dramatic irony is when adults are polite to Assef because they don’t know how truly awful he is. He’s beaten children with a pair of brass knuckles, he raped Hassan,” There’s nothing sinful about teaching a lesson to a disrespectful donkey,” (75). The reader knows that Assef is a bad person and will grow up to only become worse and yet a lot of people in the story won’t know until the future. It just adds suspense while reading because the reader knows Assef will be mentioned again and we want to know how he turned out and if he’s still a bully.

Abigail Teixeira
12/5/2013 10:32:22 am

1.) "I know I have no place here. But there's no escape." Said Louise. "Pish." Said the Captain. (pg. 216) This is situational irony because Louise had expected the Captain to agree with her. Louise thought the Captain thought she didn't want to go off the island because she never spoke up about it, but when the Captain told her this and that she had the talent to do whatever she desired to do she was shocked didn't expect it.

2.) An example of dramatic irony is when Louise tells about hurricanes past before the one at that moment hit. "My father, like any true waterman, could smell the storm coming up, even before the ominous rust-colored sunset." (pg. 115) "While not as severe as the storm of '33, which became a legend before its waters receded, the storm of '42 is the one I will never forget." (pg. 115)
These two examples are of dramatic irony because Louise is telling about the event before it even happens.

3.) An example of verbal irony is when Louise says "Great advertisement for early marriage, wouldn't you say?" (pg. 207) This is verbal irony because she is being sat sarcastic saying her grandmother is "a great advertisement for early marriage" because in actuality she is alone and bitter right now and had gotten married at an early age.

Abigail Teixeira
12/5/2013 10:33:41 am

By the way my book is "Jacob Have I Loved."

Sam Baker
12/5/2013 11:11:51 am

1. An example of verbal irony is when Amir and Hassan hear the gunshots going off, because when they ask Ali he tells them, "They're hunting ducks." (35)It is known it isn't ducks that are being shot and Ali is saying something untruthful.

2. An example of situational irony is when Amir finds out from Rahim Khan that he and Hassan had actually been brothers. This is an example of irony because he couldn't even find out from his own father, which you would've expected him to have told Amir this when he at least got older. So it is unexpected when it happens and it angers Amir."Why? What can you possibly say to me? I'm thirty-eight years old and I've just found out my whole life is one big f@#!*%$ lie! What can you possibly say to make things better? Nothing. Not a godd@%# thing!" (223)

3. An example of dramatic irony is when Amir goes and hides his new watch and a handful of Afghani bills under Hassan's mattress to frame him, "I went downstairs, crossed the yard, and entered Ali and Hassan's living quarters by the loquat tree. I lifted Hassan's mattress and planted my new watch and a handful of Afghani bills under it." (104) This is irony because the reader knows that Hassan didn't do it and is anxious to see how he reacts to finding it.

Emily Taylor
12/8/2013 02:46:33 am

1. An example of verbal irony in The Kite Runner is when Sanaubar is leaving Hassan with Ali she says "There, now you have you own idiot child to do all your smiling for you! (10)." This is ironic because later on in the book, after Hassan has his harelip surgery, Amir says that is when Hassan stopped smiling.

2. An example of situational irony is when Sohrab saves Amir from Assef with the slingshot just as Hassan did for Amir when they were kids. "The slingshot made a thwiiit sound when Sohrab released the cup. Then Assef was screaming." (291)

3. An example of dramatic irony is when Baba says "When you tell a lie, you steal someone's right to the truth. (19)" Baba says this but has been lying to Amir his whole life about Hassan being his half brother.

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