Many of you are already familiar with the quirky and bold voice of John Green from novels such as Looking for Alaska, An Abundance of Katherines, and The Fault in Our Stars. But you probably didn't know that he appears regularly in his own series of YouTube videos in which he teaches kids about literature. Below is the first video in the series, and it is as informative as it is entertaining. Take a few minutes to watch it and take notes. Write down at least three "take-aways" to prepare for a class discussion of the video.
(Remember you need to choose three different genres.)

First, already listed in the guidelines is something called a "Top Ten List." The Top Ten was made famous by late-night TV legend David Letterman. See below for a video clip example. For the purpose of your multigenre book project, a top ten list is a way for you to demonstrate your knowledge about a certain subject or character. Examples:

"Top Ten Reasons Atticus Finch Why Decides to Defend Tom Robinson" (To Kill a Mockingbird)

"Top Ten Items Amir Needs to Bring With Him to Afghanistan" (The Kite Runner)

"Top Ten Books Liesel Should Add to Her Collection" (The Book Thief)

"Top Ten Ways Louise is Actually Better than Caroline" (Jacob I Have Loved)
Second, you could make a micro-video using Vine or Instagram. Use vine to create a video about your book's THEME (you only have 6 seconds). Instagram gives you 15 seconds. You could use it to recreate a pivotal scene from your novel.